英文契約書の長文読解-すっきり翻訳の心得  その1

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(*日本の契約書の場合、一般的・包括的/抽象的に表現される傾向があり、例えば、良く眼にする内容として「本契約に定めなき事項または疑義を生じた場合、両当事者の協議によりこれを解決する」等の一文が定番として記載されているのを良く見かけます。もちろん英文契約書でも、例えば「Matters not stipulated in this Agreement or any doubt, with respect to the interpretation or performance of this Agreement shall be discussed and resolved based on the coordination between the parties」)のような一文(当方作成の例文。)を記載することもあります。)



including, but not limited to / include, but is not limited to」または「including without limitation /including, without limitation 」については、以前のブログで取り上げたことがあります。


ABC Company shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend upon request, and hold harmless XYZ Company and its members, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, and assigns (collectively, “Indemnitee”) against all losses, claims, damages, expense and liabilities sustained or incurred by the “Indemnitee” for any damage, harm, loss or injury of any kind, direct or indirect, to any property, entity or person,  including, but not limited to, claims for injuries to employees of the “Indemnitee”, ABC Company and/or any related party, arising directly or indirectly out of any act, omission, conduct, negligence or default by ABC Company or its related party or their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representative, subsidiaries, successors, or assigns (“ABC Company’s Parties”) and/or arising directly or indirectly out of or in any manner associated with the Obligations under this Agreement or any contact with or encountering of any property, equipment, vehicles, facilities or personnel of the “Indemnitee”, regardless of whether any such liability, damage, loss or injury is caused by, results from or arises out of the negligence, fault or other liability of the “Indemnitee” or any other party to be indemnified.




ABC Company shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend upon request, and hold harmless XYZ Company and its members, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, and assigns (collectively, “Indemnitee”) against all losses, claims, damages, expense and liabilities sustained or incurred by the “Indemnitee” for any damage, harm, loss or injury of any kind, direct or indirect, to any property, entity or person,

 including, but not limited to, claims for injuries to employees of the “Indemnitee”, ABC Company and/or any related party,

arising directly or indirectly out of any act, omission, conduct, negligence or default by ABC Company or a its related party or their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representative, subsidiaries, successors, or assigns (“ABC Company’s Parties”)

and/or arising directly or indirectly out of or in any manner associated with the Obligations under this Agreement or any contact with or encountering of any property, equipment, vehicles, facilities or personnel of the “Indemnitee”,

regardless of whether any such liability, damage, loss or injury is caused by, results from or arises out of the negligence, fault or other liability of the “Indemnitee” or any other party to be indemnified. 


ここで注目するポイントは、「including, but not limited to、」「arising directly or indirectly」と「regardless of whether ~」です。

 「including, but not limited to」の場合、その前にある文章を訳した後に、「including, but not limited to」で分け、「上記は、以下を含むが以下に限定されない」と限定すれば、すっきりと訳すことができます

「 (例文の下線部分の訳)を含むが「(例文の下線部分の訳)に限定されない」というように、一つの文章の様に訳すと長くなり、読み手もどこに焦点を置いて読む(訳す)のか迷ってしまいます。

 また、「arising directly or indirectly」と「and/or arising directly or indirectly」のように、同じ文章があるときは、必ず、xxxおよび/またはxxxのように、「arising directly or indirectly」の文章ごとに訳します。


また、長い文章の後に、「regardless of whether ~」のような言葉がでてきた場合、前の長い文章から訳し始めて、「(それ以前の文章を全部入れて)、whether以下であるか否かにかかわらない。」とすると、訳すのが大変になります。この場合、長い文章を訳した後に、[上記は、whether以下であるか否かにかかわらない。」とします





The New Oxford Dictionary of English (Oxford University Press)

Merriam-Webster (Webster)

Collins Concise Dictionary (Harper Collins Publishers)

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